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Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2021 12:39 pm
by waz-24-7
Walesforever wrote:
Sun 24 Jan 2021 12:02 pm

As the vaccine roll out as just proved....the UK are far from a poorer country ( still the 5th richest Nation in the World).

What is HAS proved is that we can know make our own decisions ( shown by us buying various vaccines) and we are still world leaders in other fields ( shown by us developing the Oxford vaccine).
Not sure which part of the UK you live but even in these extremely tough times there is new optimism about the future.Especially given the fact we are not tied down to huge amounts of beurocracy and costs feeding the top heavy EU dining table.
From where I’m standing the EU isn’t looking great at present. A lot of their members are on their knees financially and have had to go cap in hand with the begging bowl on a number of occasions recently.
Yes, I too have optimism. . I'm afraid a top 5 league position does not guarantee onward success. Ask any football manager.
I plan and strategize as global trade platforms change. Brexit is a drastic change. In the l world of business and trade change is no new thing but present new challenges. Some, like Brexit, thrust upon UK business are very challenging.
Your reference to UK vaccine roll out is a success that I take positively. However the vaccine was developed in the UK but is manufactured globally including in the EU. Pfizer vaccine is made in Belgium. Your reference that a Union within Europe is something that the UK is better out of I do not. As long as we want to trade with Europe , and we must. I'm afraid,it is a given that UK businesses must adhere to our customers regulations and demands..."the customer is always right". Many businesses will very willingly move location to within the EU if that facilitates more easy access to customers and opportunities. Believe me this is happening right here , right now.

How the EU looks now is of little importance except their willingness and ability to do business with the UK.

The optimism from many upon new opportunities is not contested. These new opportunities are increasingly offshore and many within the EU, offshore exported investment, employing offshore labour and from offshore sites. These strategies do not benefit the UK GDP. If UK homegrown products and services cannot be sold and exported to foreign customers particularly the EU, our biggest customer, then decline and loss is inevitable.

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2021 1:26 pm
by Walesforever

You sound like a drowning man clinging onto the last remaining lifeboat.

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2021 1:53 pm
by waz-24-7
Walesforever wrote:
Sun 24 Jan 2021 1:26 pm

You sound like a drowning man clinging onto the last remaining lifeboat.
Dealing with fact and reality can be tough. It is how one gets out of difficult situations that counts.
Dry land is there for certain. Get there, readjust and tomorrow will be a better day. (8))

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2021 2:51 pm
by EnjoyingTheSun
waz-24-7 wrote:
Sun 24 Jan 2021 12:39 pm

I'm afraid a top 5 league position does not guarantee onward success. Ask any football manager.
Unfortunately Waz you have slipped from the realms of opinion to fact.

Let's have a look at what most people would agree have been the top 5 clubs over the last 25 years;

Manchester United
Manchester City

Liverpool have won 1 Premiership title
Arsenal have won 3
Chelsea have won 5
Manchester City have won 4
Manchester United have won 11
So just one other side, Leicester won a Premiership Title.
In 25 years
If you want to go back 25 years before that then 3 of our 5 won 16 titles between them.
So 40 titles in 50 years between 5 teams.

Over the last 25 years;
Liverpool were runners up 4 times
Arsenal 6 times
Chelsea 4 times
Manchester City 3 times
Manchester United 5 times.
Only 2 other sides have been runners up, Newcastle twice and Tottenham.

The FA Cup has been won by
Liverpool 2 times
Arsenal 8 times
Chelsea 7 times
Manchester City 2 times
Manchester United 4 times.
Only 2 other sides have won it in 25 years, Portsmouth and Wigan.
In fact our 5 teams have produced both finalists 9 times. In a competition where luck of the draw counts for a lot.

For the last 20 years there have been 4 places in The Champions League for the top 4 finishers in the Premiership. In 2005/06 there were 5 places.
So out of those 81 places like to guess how many places our 5 have missed out?
The answer is ten and half of those were by Tottenham.

Currently only 3 of our 5 are in the top 8 of the Premiership so if you want to back the other 5 against Manchester United, Manchester City or Liverpool I'll happily take that bet and I'm a Tottenham supporter.

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2021 4:35 pm
by cyprus2016
After years now of reading the random writings of some of the 'UK-based regulars' on this North Cyprus-based forum, I do wonder why they do not direct their apparently sincerely held thoughts/beliefs/opinions to a forum more suited to their tastes and interests. There again, perhaps they do exactly that and no doubt repeat their tedious diatribes at every possible opportunity elsewhere. I had thought that Kibkom was intended for those with an interest in the TRNC, but it seems perhaps not.

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2021 7:56 pm
by PoshinDevon
There are many of us who have properties or spend extended periods of time or holidays in the TRNC. This not only includes U.K. ex pats, plus many of the Turkish Cypriot community who live not only in the U.K. but all over the world.

We all have one thing in common which is a love or interest in the TRNC.

All are welcome on the forum.

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2021 10:17 am
by Walesforever

This morning the EU have admitted they took too long (dithered) in ordering the vaccines. They have said they won’t be getting the next load of vaccines until March!!
I’m so glad we were able to make our own decisions and acted swiftly.
Our first test since Brexit and passed with flying colours.

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2021 9:05 pm
by waz-24-7
Walesforever wrote:
Mon 25 Jan 2021 10:17 am

This morning the EU have admitted they took too long (dithered) in ordering the vaccines. They have said they won’t be getting the next load of vaccines until March!!
I’m so glad we were able to make our own decisions and acted swiftly.
Our first test since Brexit and passed with flying colours.
As I have said the UK vaccination response is indeed promising. It has very little to do with the EU or Brexit. It is quite ridiculous to suggest that being outside of the EU would make any difference to the UK response, research and roll out. The pandemic can hardly be used as a benchmark upon the success of divorce from the EU.
Your suggestion that the EU would dictate upon the UK how to deal with the Covid pandemic is quite ludicrous.

Covid apart. There are many more longer term post Brexit issues that the UK Government needs to address.

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2021 9:14 pm
by EnjoyingTheSun
waz-24-7 wrote:
Mon 25 Jan 2021 9:05 pm

As I have said the UK vaccination response is indeed promising. It has very little to do with the EU or Brexit.
Magnificent double standards here.
Were the UK’s vaccination to have fallen behind Germany and or France you would have blamed Brexit in a heartbeat.
So ongoing we can expect any wins that the U.K. has to be totally irrelevant to Brexit whereas any losses will be because of Brexit?

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2021 9:31 pm
by waz-24-7
EnjoyingTheSun wrote:
Mon 25 Jan 2021 9:14 pm
waz-24-7 wrote:
Mon 25 Jan 2021 9:05 pm

As I have said the UK vaccination response is indeed promising. It has very little to do with the EU or Brexit.
Magnificent double standards here.
Were the UK’s vaccination to have fallen behind Germany and or France you would have blamed Brexit in a heartbeat.
So ongoing we can expect any wins that the U.K. has to be totally irrelevant to Brexit whereas any losses will be because of Brexit?
I think that is a very unqualified assumption.
I am surprised that the Germans are not performing very well even USA has made a hash of things. Frankly, right now I focus on what is happening here in the UK as I guess you are in Cyprus. Certainly Countries less fortunate than many western nations will struggle more and I would expect and hope that aid and support will be offered in due course.
Again. I think the them and us stance in this global pandemic is somewhat misplaced.

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2021 10:24 pm
by EnjoyingTheSun
waz-24-7 wrote:
Mon 25 Jan 2021 9:31 pm

Again. I think the them and us stance in this global pandemic is somewhat misplaced.
I’m not doing a them and us I wish ALL countries the best for this virus. I’m just pointing out that it is a bit tiring your double standards that any problems it’s leaving the EU and any good news is irrelevant to leaving the EU

Re: From Greece to Spain: How much tax will I pay in Europe after Brexit?

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2021 10:54 pm
by kerry 6138 ... 80029.html
Britain will provide £47m in emergency aid to countries suffering the effects of coronavirus ... dwide.html
AstraZeneca has said that the vaccine will be made available at cost price. This is the main subject of our agreement with Oxford, in order to be able to provide this vaccine to the widest possible population, under the most equitable conditions of access possible.