Rosie,s Place reborn as Sandy Rose

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Rosie,s Place reborn as Sandy Rose

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Post by wrymouth »

Rosie's Place was between Incirli Plaj and The Cabin at the bottom of Lapta. My family and I used it over many years and loved the atmosphere and easy access to the beach. Sadly, it did not open this season and has looked somewhat forlorn for several weeks. However, popping down for a swim this afternoon, there was much activity both inside and outside and it seems (talking to the new owners) that "Sandy Rose" will open fully this coming Thursday.

If you knew Rosie's you will I am sure be pleased to hear this news. If you don't please check it out and see what you think. Unfortunately we fly back to the UK tomorrow morning so we will miss the opening; if anybody has any feedback I would be interested to read it. Hopefully it will be positive and we can give it a try when we come back at the end of September.

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