Current ATM £ charges

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Current ATM £ charges

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Post by wizardofmann »

Not used an ATM for a while to withdraw STG, so just wondering who charges what these days. I have heard it has become a bit of a 'minefield.' I used to use Capital ATM.

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Re: Current ATM £ charges

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Post by waddo »

You won't get many answers to that question I am afraid. The "Canny" people who find an ATM that has no extra charges attached will never let the secret out in the hopes that nobody else will find out and they can continue to reap the benefits of cheap Sterling extraction.

Myself, I use Nationwide Bank cards, I am resigned to using TEB which charge 5% on all Sterling withdrawals for that particular card - although Nationwide do not charge me anything for Sterling withdraws yet - and sometimes it stops charging and I get two or three weeks where I can withdraw for free!

However, it means that I can only withdraw £460 at a single action as the 5% charge = £23 takes me to £483 and my withdrawal limit per day is only £500. Normally I withdraw £920 per month and add the £46 charges to that giving a total of £966 and live with it as it is simple. I have a Turk bank account here and could use Fast Cash to transfer £1000 a month at a cost of £20 and then either use the bank rates of exchange and transfer from my Sterling account into my TL account - at a fee - of go into the bank and withdraw the £1000 in sterling and wander round the exchange places to get the best price but I choose to keep it simple and so it costs me and extra £26 a month instead!

In these days of Covid transmission from non mask wearers or those untrained puppy's who still have not figured out that the mask actually fits OVER the nose, I am happy to pay the extra and maintain my level of safety.

I remain happy with my system even knowing that I can use other means - stick in the mud if you like but it works for me.
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Re: Current ATM £ charges

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Post by Deniz1 »

I withdraw tl my uk bank charges me £9 for every £300 equivilant. I dont need to use sterling for anything and I dont need to go to the exchange office either.

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Re: Current ATM £ charges

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Post by alphamike »

I haven't withdrawn Sterling for a very long time so can't help, use Revolut card to withdraw TL.

One thing that I mentioned quite some time ago, is that the banks here have a daily withdrawal limit of 1500TL and then they charge a fee. Am wondering if people take out Sterling at or below this limit can get away without being charged?

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