This Government

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This Government

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Post by PoshinDevon »

I am by nature a Conservative voter. Probably my time in HM Forces has influenced my choice. I am old enough to remember the fireman’s strike when servicemen like myself were manning the “green goddess” fire tenders but being paid less than the firemen on strike! Maggie Thatcher changed this soon afterwards so I suppose she had me hooked.

Over all the years I have only once seriously thought about voting Labour. That was back in the days of New Labour and Tony Blair’s revolution. It was the dawn of a new age and change was needed.

However the majority of the time and for many reasons I still find myself voting Tory. On a high level there values resonate more with me than those of Labour. I am old enough to understand no government is perfect and at times I have shaken my head with some of the goings on in the Tory party over the years.

Fast forward to now. After a period of stagnation the electorate has finally given a clear mandate whereby the Conservative Party gained a clear and resounding majority with a new PM at the helm. Brexit; wether you agree or not has been delivered. The U.K. has left the EU as per decision made in the referendum. There is a marked difference in the way the U.K. is negotiating with the EU compared to Theresa May. Some may not like this more hard nosed approach but to me it does feel like we are no longer on the back foot. Within 3 short months the government was hit by a pandemic which has sent the world into a spin. Not only have they been fighting the pandemic, trying to keep keep the health service going, economy and businesses supported and providing help across the board to individuals. They have not got it right, made mistakes for sure. They will continue to do so but the electorate will have their say.

I then look at the alternative. It’s easy to criticise and have hindsight ideas when you are not having to feel the impact of those decisions on individuals or the economy, Labours front bench is simply not up to the task plus lurking in the background is the Corbynistas. They have not gone away. Unless they can drain the swamp and rid themselves of the loud mouthed loons, I cannot see myself embracing them anytime soon. One good thing is that good old Animal Farm leader John McDonald has been relegated to a nobody.

My reason for posting is to stimulate debate and ask do people really believe the current Labour Party front bench could have done any better over the last 9 months? They can talk a good story when they have no responsibility but could they have delivered?
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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

The government has undoubtedly made mistakes but in catastrophic situations then mistakes will invariably be made. The big one for me was keeping the airports open. You either go for a total lock down or not. But until the dust settles we won't see who has made the best most proportional response to the crisis.
As for the EU, we voted for Brexit it was pretty clear that the will of the people rightly or wrongly is for Brexit so we expect our government to carry out the will of the people.

Currently Labour is a protest movement and it is always easier to sit on the sidelines and criticise.

Starmer I fear won't last long.
The far left have never got as near to power as they did in 2017 and they will cling on for dear life rather than spend 50 years waiting for another opportunity. They will feel that if they can take control of the Labour party then eventually people will want a change from the Conservatives. Should they get power then you can guarantee they will do everything they can to ensure they can never lose power. They are not democrats. If Starmer has any brains he needs to purge the Labour party from the entryists.
We need a strong opposition for democracy to work and should the far left get into power we will lose our democracy.

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Re: This Government

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Post by Brinsley »

Breaking International Law actually signed off by the incumbent ruler for megalomaniac, self-gratification reasons to hide the incompetency of his mishandling of the Corona Virus situation, is beyond belief. The man is a liar and remains so taking ruling inspiration from his 'bed-mate' Trump of how to deceive the public, not some of the time, but all the time! It's always the fault of others and should you disagree the parliamentary whip will be withdrawn and sacked from the party!
Inspirational for 'swing' voters who will soon find their ballot box stuffed with fraudulent pro-government voting cards!
Good job he's ruling over a gullible, nationalistic, tunnel visioned non-thinking majority of the voting public!


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Re: This Government

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Post by PoshinDevon »

Gullible,nationalistic, tunnel visioned and non thinking. Very strong words to describe those who voted.

The Conservatives won the last election with a strong majority and clear mandate to govern. Many Labour strongholds turned to the Conservatives. Are they/we all gullible, nationalistic, tunnel visioned and non thinking? People simply did not trust or believe what Labour had to say.

There is likely to be 3-4 more years of this government. During that time the Labourvparty have got to convince the electorate that they are fit to govern. Nothing I have seen or heard in the last year suggests they will be.

As I said easy for anyone to sit and criticise when you are not being held responsible for the actions.The country needs a strong unified opposition but we don’t have one.
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Re: This Government

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Post by Brinsley »

You suggest that there were only two political party's to vote for on your ballot paper! A case of Judicial Review of fraudulent voting practice if so, no wonder the landslide. Maybe Trump is taking a leaf out of Boris's book of how to win at any cost, whatever the monetary consequences!
10 years of austerity when many suffered because 'we are all in this together', and then multi-billions of £ appears from nowhere to keep an idle workforce into further poverty!


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Re: This Government

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Post by PoshinDevon »

Of course there are more than two parties. Judging by the outcome of the last election it was clear that one party had a majority. Of course Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have there own parties and representation but none are ever capable of forming a government of the U.K. There were of course a few other very small parties. The Liberal Democrat’s of course saw there vote collapse.

So in essence there was only going to be a Conservative or Labour government.

My question is still around this government, voted in by the electorate and whether over the last year given everything that has and is happening does anyone think Labour would have done better?
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Re: This Government

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Post by Medjoul1 »

What an outragous post from a 'moderator'. I for one are not in the least bit interested in your political views whatever leaning. How dare you lecture us on the current leadership of the Labour party, 'loud mouthed loons' and 'corbynista's ' for gods sake grow up. Why are you asking a hypothetical situation and then leading the narrative? All the Uk should have known what they were getting with Johnson (the liar who has sacked twice from previous jobs) even his own sister warned us.

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Re: This Government

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Post by Chriswright03 »

Whether you agree with the post Posh has as much right as anyone to post. Unlike on a lot of Forums the Mods on here post in their Mod ID and not in their own which would make then anonymous. If you disagree with what he say then that is fine but don't do it because you think he does not have the same rights as you to post what he likes within the rules of the forum.

Personally I think Posh has opened a can of worms as Politics is always one of the topics guaranteed to cause grief. If you don't agree and it is fairly obvious that is the case then argue your point but don't try and stifle debate because you think he does not have the right to an opinion.

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Re: This Government

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Post by Up the Reds. »

So there you go, gloves off, Tories one side of the ring and Labour on the other!! No debate at all !! I'll stck to that old adage 'If you want to keep your friends don't talk about politics or religion !!

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Re: This Government

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Post by Chriswright03 »

Up the Reds. wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 6:55 am
So there you go, gloves off, Tories one side of the ring and Labour on the other!! No debate at all !! I'll stck to that old adage 'If you want to keep your friends don't talk about politics or religion !!
I agree with the sentiment about politics or religion and as old as it may be I think it is just as true today as in the past. Tories on one side and Labour on the other sort of proves the point there are only two parties that could take power these days though I guess.

I have no political leanings and work on the theory it doesn't matter who you vote for the Government get in!

So having said how unwise it is to discuss politics I have posted twice in this thread already. Doh!

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Re: This Government

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Post by waddo »

My father once asked me a question: "Why would you vote for a person who knocks on your door every four years to tell you how good they were and what they would do for you in the future"? Later in life and after a few beers he asked: "Have you ever in your short life heard of a poor MP"? He eventually worked himself to death in the employment of Dorman and Long which became British Steel, which in the end, ignored by an English Government, ceased to be! No MP's suffered and none became homeless and poor! I am also old enough to remember the fireman’s strike when servicemen like myself were manning the “green goddess” fire tenders but being paid less than the firemen on strike! Two sets of people who laid their lives on the line for minimum wages - no MP's suffered and none became homeless and poor then either!

When was the last time you heard of a homeless MP sleeping in the streets and eating from food banks? When was the last time you heard of an MP "Earning" an extra 100,000 pounds a year for a 7 hour week - apart from today that is?

No matter which side of Brexit you decided or were conned into voting for, no matter which political party you support and no matter how well or how poorly you feel that the current or past Governments have worked on your behalf, never, ever forget that these people work for you, are paid by you and should therefore do what they have promised you they will do - not just what they think will gain them the power to remain in charge! Which Government has ever lived up to it's promises?

The current crop of well paid people, who you pay to make your life better, say that all workers should now return to work to get the country going again - watched Parliament live lately and counted the handful of them that attend? It must be costing them to stay away and - allegedly - not fiddle their claims as normal, yet I don't feel sorry for them.

Posh asked: "My question is still around this government, voted in by the electorate and whether over the last year given everything that has and is happening does anyone think Labour would have done better?"

My answer is: It is possible that any other body of people, regardless of their political affiliations, given the same set of situations such as Brexit/Covid/Black Lives Matter and the rest, would have made different decisions which would have changed the outcomes the United Kingdom now face. That they would have done better or worse is a chicken or egg question and simply seeks to support the posters views or concerns.

I personally feel that nobody truly learns from 'success" and that people always or should always learn from "failures", given that belief I think that the current Government of England, that rules the United Kingdom, thinks that it has been successful in attempting to halt Covid, supporting all the racial issues, getting what it thinks the people wanted in 2016, providing HS2 for the future, giving the country a 2 trillion pound debt to pay, increasing welfare services, making promises for the homeless and all the other "Brilliant" things it is doing.

Would a political party, that has suffered failures in the past, have done it better? It is pure "personal opinion" that can not be supported by any argument but if the voting system was changed into an outright majority of voters for parties then you may have a Government that Governs instead of a self serving, back slapping group of people who spend their time arguing about what should happen for hours, then taking a vote on it. Labour better or worse - yes or no - Liberals better or worse - yes or no - Any other party better or worse - yes or no? Yes! Why - because they have failed in the past.
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Re: This Government

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Post by PoshinDevon »

Clearly some have misunderstood my post.

I made my current political leanings clear from the outset and briefly explained why.

I don’t care what anyone’s political leanings are but over the last few months we have seen a government trying to govern in very difficult times. Firstly trying to govern whilst leaving the EU and secondly during a world pandemic. Each day I hear and read from the main stream media, MPs and indeed many others on how bad they are doing.

What I am interested in is do people believe that the current offering by the opposition could have done better and if they could, why?

Of course politics is not for everyone. If you are not interested in the topic, bored by the topic or don’t want to contribute to sensible debate then please don’t read what has been posted. I have not posted as a “moderator”, I have posted because I am genuinely interested in this topic. Of course some may not like politics or politicians but here in the U.K. it is something that is always in the news.

Maybe I am more influenced by what happened during a term of a political party which then forms my opinion of whether they had done well/badly and if I could vote for them in the future. Tony Blair’s first term as PM and his government seemed to have in the main done reasonably well. Maggie Thatcher swept in and the first term for her again had challenges which she battled thro. Do governments just go stale, the electorate get bored or is it some huge event that seals there future fate. For instance Maggie wasn’t doing that well in the polls but then the Falklands crisis came along, followed by a huge election win. Where did Tony Blair’s New Labour go wrong after such an encouraging start? Now I ask does anyone think that the current crop of Labour front bench politicians who hold shadow positions could have guided the country any better over the last year or so?

I fully understand that whoever you decide to vote for is made up of many things. For me it’s how directly any governments actions primarily affects me as an individual and my family followed by my community and then how my country is positioned on the world stage. Others may have different views which are more important to them.
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Re: This Government

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Post by Geoff1131 »

I have no ' fixed ' political views either way. In the past i have voted Conservative, Labour and Liberal. I tend to make my mind up who i am going to vote for on the performance of the present incumbents or the talent on show on the opposition sides. I am i firm believer in Democracy so therefore would have been inclined to vote for the Tories in the last election, although i did not vote as it was difficult to get a postal vote living in the TRNC ( i did try to register in my old constituency, but it was not made easy ) . On balance i think the present government are doing an ok job. Have they made mistakes? yes of course they have. Could they have done things differently? again yes of course. But when i look at the opposition, and listen to what they say they would have done. It makes me glad that we have the government we do. There seems to be a real shortage of talent on the opposition benches just now, Gone are the likes of Tony Benn, Tom Watson and many more. I listen to the debates from the Hoc now i think we are in safer hands with the Tories, with all their faults than even contemplating a change to the Labour party.

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Re: This Government

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Post by Brazen »

Medjoul1 wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 6:35 am
What an outragous post from a 'moderator'. I for one are not in the least bit interested in your political views whatever leaning. How dare you lecture us on the current leadership of the Labour party, 'loud mouthed loons' and 'corbynista's ' for gods sake grow up. Why are you asking a hypothetical situation and then leading the narrative? All the Uk should have known what they were getting with Johnson (the liar who has sacked twice from previous jobs) even his own sister warned us.
Did you get as annoyed when most of the voting public were called “a gullible, nationalistic, tunnel visioned non-thinking majority”?
Ah, I thought not!

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Re: This Government

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Post by frontalman »

PoshinDevon wrote:
Wed 16 Sep 2020 6:39 pm
I am by nature a Conservative voter. Probably my time in HM Forces has influenced my choice. I am old enough to remember the fireman’s strike when servicemen like myself were manning the “green goddess” fire tenders but being paid less than the firemen on strike! Maggie Thatcher changed this soon afterwards so I suppose she had me hooked.

Over all the years I have only once seriously thought about voting Labour. That was back in the days of New Labour and Tony Blair’s revolution. It was the dawn of a new age and change was needed.

However the majority of the time and for many reasons I still find myself voting Tory. On a high level there values resonate more with me than those of Labour. I am old enough to understand no government is perfect and at times I have shaken my head with some of the goings on in the Tory party over the years.

Fast forward to now. After a period of stagnation the electorate has finally given a clear mandate whereby the Conservative Party gained a clear and resounding majority with a new PM at the helm. Brexit; wether you agree or not has been delivered. The U.K. has left the EU as per decision made in the referendum. There is a marked difference in the way the U.K. is negotiating with the EU compared to Theresa May. Some may not like this more hard nosed approach but to me it does feel like we are no longer on the back foot. Within 3 short months the government was hit by a pandemic which has sent the world into a spin. Not only have they been fighting the pandemic, trying to keep keep the health service going, economy and businesses supported and providing help across the board to individuals. They have not got it right, made mistakes for sure. They will continue to do so but the electorate will have their say.

I then look at the alternative. It’s easy to criticise and have hindsight ideas when you are not having to feel the impact of those decisions on individuals or the economy, Labours front bench is simply not up to the task plus lurking in the background is the Corbynistas. They have not gone away. Unless they can drain the swamp and rid themselves of the loud mouthed loons, I cannot see myself embracing them anytime soon. One good thing is that good old Animal Farm leader John McDonald has been relegated to a nobody.

My reason for posting is to stimulate debate and ask do people really believe the current Labour Party front bench could have done any better over the last 9 months? They can talk a good story when they have no responsibility but could they have delivered?
Can I remind you, Posh, that this is a North Cyprus forum, so when you title your post "This Govt" I expect your musings to be about the TRNC government.

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Re: This Government

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Post by waddo »

Frontalman, perhaps a better title would have been "This UK Government" then? Quite agree with your comments but it would be possibly dangerous to comment on a Government that rules a country you are a guest in! However, taking the chance, I would say that this Government is doing the best that it can under circumstances that have been thrust upon it and I would cheerfully support any party/parties that are in power in THIS government as it is the government of the country for it's citizens and not for guests!

Additionally would this original post have not been better under "Politics" rather than on the "Active topics" heading as it was not actually "Active" until it was first posted?
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Re: This Government

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Post by Hedge-fund »

Once we're done with politics can we start on religion please.

Don't get me started on those bloody catholics.......

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Re: This Government

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Post by Up the Reds. »

And those 'sun worshippers' HF ...really get me going!! (0-0) Time for a couple of beers !! (8)) ((W))

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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Brinsley wrote:
Wed 16 Sep 2020 8:21 pm
Inspirational for 'swing' voters who will soon find their ballot box stuffed with fraudulent pro-government voting cards!
I assume you approve of voter ID then?

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Re: This Government

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Post by frontalman »

I do understand that Posh is stationed in the UK so his views and his perspective are guided by that. When I am in the UK my mind switches totally too. But for me living here in paradise (easy tiger!), I somewhat selfishly expect a North Cyprus forum to be about events in blooming North Cyprus.

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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Medjoul1 wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 6:35 am
What an outragous post from a 'moderator'. I for one are not in the least bit interested in your political views whatever leaning. How dare you lecture us on the current leadership of the Labour party, 'loud mouthed loons' and 'corbynista's ' for gods sake grow up. Why are you asking a hypothetical situation and then leading the narrative? All the Uk should have known what they were getting with Johnson (the liar who has sacked twice from previous jobs) even his own sister warned us.
OK bit of faux outrage to begin, tick.
Translation for the rest of it.
"I have no problem if you start any thread criticising the Tories but anything that might be balanced or has the opportunity to criticise Labour needs to be cancelled."
We don't do de-platforming mate so contribute or go and burn some Harry Potter books,

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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

waddo wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 7:09 am
The current crop of well paid people, who you pay to make your life better, say that all workers should now return to work to get the country going again - watched Parliament live lately and counted the handful of them that attend? It must be costing them to stay away and - allegedly - not fiddle their claims as normal, yet I don't feel sorry for them.
TBF if you look at Parliament at any time pre-covid it's usually empty. Certain debates and the budget will get a crowd but apart from that you'd be lucky to see 20 MPs in attendance.

Which kind of begs the question of where are the MPS? The majority aren't doing constituency work or even probably in their constituency.

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Re: This Government

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Post by frontalman »

Trump and Johnson (both rude names by the way) are merely short term irritants, we'll soon have the red flag flying again. Vive la revolucion!

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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Brinsley wrote:
Wed 16 Sep 2020 9:11 pm
and then multi-billions of £ appears from nowhere to keep an idle workforce into further poverty!
So the workforce are all in poverty? Is that real poverty or the made up relative poverty?
So people not going into work when their employer is closed or idle? Is that relatively idle?

I'll explain this carefully.

The decision was taken to lock down. Personally I don't think it was a good one to lock down to that degree but when you make a decision you then need joined up thinking.

That means a lot of companies and businesses are closed and making no money. Now not every business is run by a Dick Dastardly guy in a cape ok? Those companies who are viable when open then can't afford to pay their workers so will be forced to sack them. So the government steps in to help with the wages to keep millions potentially off of the dole. It is a temporary measure to help companies get over a bump in the road.

The government is also trying to spend money to stimulate the worst effected such as the meal deals. I'm never that keen on throwing money at an economy because it is usually wasted but this seems to be well targeted and might help

What it isn't is intending to spend billions giving people free broadband so the young will vote for you.

I'm not a huge fan of the last few Conservative governments but the alternative has been much worse.

Ditto America. Trump isn't a great choice but Hillary or Biden? Professional corrupt politicians. Biden has been a senator since Nixon's time. If you think Trump's corrupt have a look at Biden's family finances and China.

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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

frontalman wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 9:39 am
Trump and Johnson (both rude names by the way) are merely short term irritants, we'll soon have the red flag flying again. Vive la revolucion!
Get rid of the Waitrose communists and hopefully we'll see a proper Labour party that might appeal to Durham etc.

A little tip for them. If you try and attract some working class MPs, they don't have to be retarded

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Re: This Government

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Post by Mowgli597 »

Thank you Frontalman for asking (in so many words) WTF has this to do with the TRNC?

I too wondered which Government since many on here are not citizens of Perfidious Albion (once again)

It’s the same as when people talk about “The National Anthem” or even pray for “Our Queen and/or Government” in church (there you go - now I’ve brought religion into it!). I always want to scream, “Whose?”

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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Mowgli597 wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 10:35 am
Thank you Frontalman for asking (in so many words) WTF has this to do with the TRNC?
Many here still have family in the U.K. so they do have an interest in the U.K.
I remember that you were a very active participant in the thread about Cummings trip out during lockdown, did he pop to TRNC during it or are you choosy as to what U.K. threads you comment on and want to choose ours too?

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Re: This Government

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Post by sophie »

Not going to bother discussing with UK National Anthem, Land of Hope and Glory, etc., etc but I do agree that other than a Brother living in Oz, all our family and many friends live in the UK, so obviously we are interested in what is happening Covid wise. On top of that our Pensions are generated in UK and most of our money and the interests gained (such as they are), so we do concern ourselves with the financial situation in the UK as well as TRNC.

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Re: This Government

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Post by Mowgli597 »

EnjoyingTheSun wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 11:07 am
Mowgli597 wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 10:35 am
Thank you Frontalman for asking (in so many words) WTF has this to do with the TRNC?
Many here still have family in the U.K. so they do have an interest in the U.K.
I remember that you were a very active participant in the thread about Cummings trip out during lockdown, did he pop to TRNC during it or are you choosy as to what U.K. threads you comment on and want to choose ours too?
Touché. Mea maxima culpa (Oo)

It’s just this assumption that “The ...... “ refers to the U.K. or, often, one small part of it, which jars wrt those who may have no interest in the same.

I shall retire, I hope, gracefully from this topic and ignore it.

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Re: This Government

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Post by frontalman »

sophie wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 11:14 am
Not going to bother discussing with UK National Anthem, Land of Hope and Glory, etc., etc but I do agree that other than a Brother living in Oz, all our family and many friends live in the UK, so obviously we are interested in what is happening Covid wise. On top of that our Pensions are generated in UK and most of our money and the interests gained (such as they are), so we do concern ourselves with the financial situation in the UK as well as TRNC.
We all keep an eye on what happens in the old country but the focus should be on the TRNC on kibkomNORTHCYPRUS forum. If someone wants to set up a UK based forum, I'd be quite happy to ignore it.

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Re: This Government

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Post by sophie »

Not a swallow Frontalman, never been back to UK in nearly four years, but I am interested to see what is happening to my money over there!

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Re: This Government

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Post by Brinsley »

Hedge-fund wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 9:02 am
Once we're done with politics can we start on religion

I think sex would be a more of an invigorating, stimulating subject to debate or discuss!!!
Last edited by Brinsley on Thu 17 Sep 2020 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: This Government

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Post by Soner »

Still working on it: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=52290
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Re: This Government

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Post by frontalman »

sophie wrote:
Thu 17 Sep 2020 2:14 pm
Not a swallow Frontalman, never been back to UK in nearly four years, but I am interested to see what is happening to my money over there!
Never suggested you were, Sophie. I was just piggy-backing your post to make a general point.

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Re: This Government

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Post by Medjoul1 »

Re. message 14, Brazen. What on earth are you talking about? What releveance?
Message 21, ETS. Not a bit of 'faux' outrage. Read the words of Posh and he was introducing a hypothetical situation of ' would Labour have done any better'. I refer you to the comment by Sir Keir to the house when the current Prime Minister asked him the same thing. His reply was, " Mr speaker, Prime Minister, may I remind you that it is your job to be running the country, do you want me to be helping you out?"
Poshs attempted slur on Sir Keir/the current shadow gov. put me in mind of the Daily Mails own pathetic attempt when they announced that the millionaire Labour leader had invested in a multi million pound housing development scheme. Sir Keir had in fact bought the field behind his mums house so she could keep a rescue donkey in it!
Sir Keir, whose father was a toolmaker and his mum a nurse is someone I feel I can relate to more than Boris de Pfefel Johnson, old Etonian, Camerons 'greasy piglet' who stabbed his leader in the back, freely insults minority groups (picaninny smiles, looking through letter boxes, tank topped "ooops") and may be Prime Minister but relies on an unelected bureaucrat for his agenda. Oh the irony!
Previous Labour administrations quite rightly deserve questions to be asked but calling out the current one on the basis of 'would they have done any better' is a pointless exercise. Or is it becouse current polling indicates that Sir Keir Starmer is more popular than Johnson and the majority of the public think he would do a better job? Tick

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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Last edited by EnjoyingTheSun on Fri 18 Sep 2020 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

EnjoyingTheSun wrote:
Fri 18 Sep 2020 9:03 am
Medjoul1 wrote:
Fri 18 Sep 2020 7:08 am
ETS. Not a bit of 'faux' outrage. Read the words of Posh and he was introducing a hypothetical situation of ' would Labour have done any better'. I refer you to the comment by Sir Keir to the house when the current Prime Minister asked him the same thing. His reply was, " Mr speaker, Prime Minister, may I remind you that it is your job to be running the country, do you want me to be helping you out?"
It is not an unfair question when someone sits on the sidelines saying I wouldn't do it like that to ask what they would have done.
But if I can get this right, Labour might have the answer to save the economy and lives but will only share them if they are in power? Overlooking that the opposition is an integral part of our parliamentary system we can assume that Labour are not interested in improving lives so much as gaining power for power's sake?

And by the way Starmer's father run a toolmaking factory and the family lived in a lovely house with an Aga in Oxted, one of thre most affluent areas in the country.
You'll find with most of the Labour politicians and activists that they like to Kravitz their background up a bit. They are just as posh as the Conservatives but get a bit vague about their background and effect a mockney/regional accent. So if you are trying to find a politician with humble beginnings you need to do better research and look a lot harder but at least with the Tories, what you see is what you get.

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Re: This Government

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Post by sophie »

In the days when I was involved in politics (never ever an MP I might add) " supposedly the best PM this country never had" once said - The most comfortable place to be in politics is in Opposition. You can criticise all you like, you can take the Michael all you like, but you never have to take responsibility for ANYTHING and you get paid the same amount of money. How true!!

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Re: This Government

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

sophie wrote:
Fri 18 Sep 2020 11:18 am
In the days when I was involved in politics (never ever an MP I might add) " supposedly the best PM this country never had" once said - The most comfortable place to be in politics is in Opposition. You can criticise all you like, you can take the Michael all you like, but you never have to take responsibility for ANYTHING and you get paid the same amount of money. How true!!
For sure. Always easier to put your foot through a picture than paint one

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Re: This Government

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Post by PoshinDevon »

Thanks to those who commented on this topic.

All I was really interested in was trying to understand if anyone really thought any government when faced with delivering Brexit and fighting a global pandemic would have done better over the last 9 months and if so why?

The replies were in the main interesting but I don’t think anyone really answered the question. A very small minority for some reason took offence (I don’t know why) as there have been far more contentious topics on this forum over the years. However if you felt offended for whatever reason I apologise.

At present my views have not changed and whilst this government has made mistakes I still remain sceptical that any party would or could have done things better. Brexit and a global pandemic would be challenging for whoever was in power. As I said it’s easy to criticise when you have no responsibility.

The good thing about living in a democracy is that the U.K. electorate will have the final say in a few years time.
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Re: This Government

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Post by waz-24-7 »

The political landscape in the UK is in turmoil and classic LEFT and RIGHT is becoming rather tangled. I am a conservative voter but Mr Johnsons position on BREXIT has produced deep concern. Mr Starmer is an excellent speaker and his legal background serves him well. Boris is out of his depth at Question time. Many leftwing voters have turned to Boris as the pied piper of Brexit. Many Right wing advocates are impressed with the new leader of the Labour Party. Do we see a NEW LABOUR emerging again
Now the covid pandemic has thrown yet more into the mix.
The UK is in recession and prospects are rather gloomy into 2021.We finally lose our European status in January and the Union will take a new position upon UK aliens. Their travel, work, residence and relationships within the 27 remaining union members.
If Labour gain power then I expect severe attack upon pensions, savings and people who have a bit. Regardless; costs will increase and taxes will most certainly rise as the pay back for covid and Brexit begins. I see employment and welfare demands rising significantly. Government and opposition will most definitely sign up on a blame culture for covid and economic woes.

Governance of the UK right now is as tough as it was during the war. Who will be the saving hero and who will sink in the current and forthcoming storms.
Who knows. Certainly planning to survive in these same storms will be quite demanding. Many will drown, some will thrive and some will survive.
Good luck and keep your sails trimmed to suit the weather.

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