DEAL or NO DEAL on Brexit

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Re: DEAL or NO DEAL on Brexit

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

waz-24-7 wrote:ETS
I think that you are being rather hypocritical in you view.
Lets face it.
You have chosen to leave the UK and reside in the TRNC which is essentially European.
I am not overly bothered over your stance over currency and sovereignty. The World moves very fast indeed and your views, in my opinion, simply want to look backwards and hold onto the past.
Migration of people, the movement and dynamic nature of trade and business has left you behind. Perhaps living in Cyprus explains this given its somewhat unique position within the modern trading World.
I wouldn’t necessarily label TRNC as typically European. What is typically European? Yes I have moved to the TRNC which kind of kicks against your stereotype of leavers as xenophobic, foreigner hating little Englanders doesn’t it?
As for looking backwards I want countries to trade freely across the world without hiding behind tariffs. To engage with tiger economies across the globe. You want us to trade with our neighbours and inefficient industries hide behind tariffs.
As for being left behind I moved out here less than 3 years ago not in the fifties. The world moves quickly but not the EU it seems. Or have they finalised some new trade deals since I left the UK?
Obviously you don’t want to go into any more details re the Euro and sovereignty because you are having your backside handed to you every time.
waz-24-7 wrote:ETS
Yes I am indeed concern. Many people and businesses clearly are. People that work in , live in and trade from and within the UK.
There is no shame it protecting ones livelihood. I'm afraid that preaching from one that has departed UK shores to reside in a region that is clearly distasteful in many respects is rather hypocritical and therefore I am very reluctant to consider your point of view as very credible or worth attention.
You’ll have to explain the “a region that is clearly distasteful” comment.
As for the rest of the comment let me give you an example.
Let’s say you were a door to door salesman but only wanted to sell within your road? Every year your turnover goes down but that’s ok because the EU sends you a subsidy. It would go down a lot more but the EU stops anyone else selling in your road even though it means the customers pay over the odds. Whilst it isn’t a great business model you can survive because the EU subsidises your business through grants.
So I am selfish, xenophobic and have no business sense for essentially saying that our tax money could be better spent elsewhere and if your business can only survive by selling within your street or by being subsidised maybe you are in the wrong business? Also can you not see there is no long term future in it because every year the people in your street are spending less with you and at some point we can’t keep subsidising you?
waz-24-7 wrote: If the UK crashes out. You will likely be very little effected. Your UK family possibly if they remain within the UK. That is something you will deal with and you should surely explain to them why you left UK shores yet dealt a card that could cause them some level of hardship.
How do you know I will be little effected? Actually on balance I will probably be worse off in the short term leaving the EU.
Don’t worry I have already explained to my family that I voted for Brexit because I sincerely thought it would destroy the UK economically!
waz-24-7 wrote:
Who knows. I may be totally wrong and in 60 odd days we will all be bathing in milk and have wealth and prosperity like never before. Certainly the prosperity that BREXIT has promised has no factual basis.
Where’s the prosperity that the EU has bought us that is because of the EU. Yes our standard of living has gone up over the last 40 years but at a slower rate than countries outside the EU. Yes most of our trade is now with the EU because we are essentially made to trade with the EU, forget shopping around for those cheap oranges. Pre joining our trade with the EU was about 21% in no time it was 42%. It doubled because we were forced to abandon Commonwealth countries we had previously traded with.

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Re: DEAL or NO DEAL on Brexit

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Post by turtle »

So when did that odious little oik Macron speak for the whole of the EU27.........Gobshite.

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Re: DEAL or NO DEAL on Brexit

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Post by Mowgli597 »

turtle wrote:So when did that odious little oik Macron speak for the whole of the EU27.........Gobshite.
He doesn’t - but it only takes one to say “Non!”

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Re: DEAL or NO DEAL on Brexit

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

turtle wrote:So when did that odious little oik Macron speak for the whole of the EU27.........Gobshite.
Every now and again one of our cousins and friends across the channel lets their mask drop and the real agenda is revealed.
Shame that not everyone seas it and just listens to scaremongering what actually makes no logical sense. eg That it would be totally cataclysmic to trade with 27 countries in the same way we trade with 111 countries.

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Re: DEAL or NO DEAL on Brexit

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Post by turtle »

Mowgli597 wrote:
turtle wrote:So when did that odious little oik Macron speak for the whole of the EU27.........Gobshite.
He doesn’t - but it only takes one to say “Non!”
And do you honestly think the EU would be held to ransom by "one Non"...... If the EU want it to happen it will happen.

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Re: DEAL or NO DEAL on Brexit

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

turtle wrote:
Mowgli597 wrote:
turtle wrote:So when did that odious little oik Macron speak for the whole of the EU27.........Gobshite.
He doesn’t - but it only takes one to say “Non!”
And do you honestly think the EU would be held to ransom by "one Non"...... If the EU want it to happen it will happen.
Everyone is equal in the EU but some are a bit more equal than others

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Re: DEAL or NO DEAL on Brexit

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Post by desih »

Please, please Britain, just leave. The Daily Mail, Telegraph and Express say all will be good. That's good enough for me, we produce loads of stuff in Britain , and we already have trade agreements,nearly agreedwith Switzerland and the Faroe Islands (population around the same as Girne). In addition, we also have loads of unemployed British people looking forward to the opportunity to work in the abbatoirs, bin lorries etc. We don't need them foreigners. Just leave, all will be good, honest. No need to waste your time discussing this EU membership rubbish on Kibcom, we'll all still get our pensions so all is well! Our children and grandchildren will surely find work in some of the car factories!

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Re: DEAL or NO DEAL on Brexit

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

desih wrote:Please, please Britain, just leave. The Daily Mail, Telegraph and Express say all will be good. That's good enough for me, we produce loads of stuff in Britain , and we already have trade agreements,nearly agreedwith Switzerland and the Faroe Islands (population around the same as Girne). In addition, we also have loads of unemployed British people looking forward to the opportunity to work in the abbatoirs, bin lorries etc. We don't need them foreigners. Just leave, all will be good, honest. No need to waste your time discussing this EU membership rubbish on Kibcom, we'll all still get our pensions so all is well! Our children and grandchildren will surely find work in some of the car factories!
Oh I see what you did there, very good

See he is using irony and how we are being led by the nose by the Daily Mail, Telegraph and Express who give us our opinions.

He has been told this by Owen Jones or some half wit like that on twitter so it must be true.

Anyhow back on planet earth and out of the theoretical classroom, it will be ok. I know it will be devastating for you and Owen and the Momentum lads but the British are by and large innovative and resiliant, we'll hit some bumps in the road for sure but we will come through and thrive.

Anyhow shouldn't you be tweeting about how awful it is that we are stopping a potential bomber come back to a country she seems to hate?

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